Great futures are built
with a small charity

Sri Vallalar Social Welfare Trust is upcoming organization that works towards achieving pleasant and lasting
changes in the faces of millions of lives.

Make someone’s life
by giving of yours

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About us

Who We Are

Sri Vallalar Social Welfare Trust is upcoming organization that works towards achieving pleasant and lasting changes in the faces of millions of lives. Trust is running for the past 6 years by Mr.Durai , Who is President & Founder of this trust.

Sri Vallalar Social Welfare Trust finds new and innovative way to help and cater to the children who have lost their smiles. Backed with an energetic and like-minded team, Sri Vallalar Social Welfare Trust raise funds for the betterment of the needy children. Sri Vallalar Social Welfare Trust support the children (orphans) giving good Education, Food, Clothing, Shelter and also Medication.

Help Us Now

Our Programs Donate To Charity Campaign

Sri Vallalar Social Welfare Trust work to protect the rights of the children in the key area of education, health and survival. We also respond immediately to disaster with relief and rehabilitation measures.

Education For The Children

Education is both the mean an end to a better life. We work toward imparting quality education, training teachers and help in communities to run schools.

YOU can empower the children to live their dreams and help them realize their right to development by
funding their education.

Protection For The Children

We work to prevent the children from being exploited and trafficked into commercial sex and child labor. We take a positive and hopeful approach. Our Program focuses on the vulnerable children; aiming at their safety and well-being. Working hand-in-hand with few other organizations, We strive to create lasting change with
improvements in policy to protect the children.

YOU can play a big role in helping us to protect children from abuse, neglect and exploitation.

No One Has Ever Become Poor
By Giving


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